Le Wallon

Choosing American Best Choice for Future : The Democrat Side


Meeting a Democrat was easy to find, and as I was suprised to see, there is some ethics in the Democrat, as they are more moderate answers. Of course, these are juste one person feeling, but I am sensing that the majority are feeling that way. In Europe, we Christian are more into the Democrat Side. Why is that ? Are we less based on Ethics ? Or are we concerned by equality of human kind ? These articles were the reason for.

Why Are you a Democrat ?

I'm a Democrat because, when I look at the overall picture for the Republicans, and the overall picture for the Democrats, I feel closer to the vision that the Democrats have. I appreciate their concern for the poor, their concern that people have reasonable access to health care, their concern that America not be obnoxiously imperialistic on the world stage, their concern not to be hawkish (i.e., belligerent, eager to show off military power just for the sake of getting a testosterone high). I appreciate that Democratic politicians tend to be thoughtful people; for example, it's impossible to imagine Democrats having someone like Sarah Palin doing anything in any capacity. I appreciate that willingness to be thoughtful and not just emotional.

Are you a Democrat because you're against a Republican? Do you Believe that Christian Values can be seen in that Side?

No, I'm a Democrat because, on the whole, I prefer their policies. I believe that the things that I mention above are all consistent with Christian values. I also think that Republicans capture some important Christian values that Democrats don't capture: the pro-life position, the right for children to have a mother and a father (I wouldn't mind if the mother was gay and the father was gay, for example -- I'm not at all against gay people -- I just think that children deserve to have a man and a woman as parents). Republicans see this clearly, and Democrats tend to hate that kind of thinking. This is disappointing, as far as the Democratic Party is concerned. I wish they had those aspects on their platform as well. In the end, then, both parties have good aspects and bad aspects.

I think that American Christianity made Ethics as the main issue, as the Republican are. in Europe, the Main Issue for Christian was Social. Do you agree/Disagree with that statement?

I find it hard to agree with that statement because ethics involves social aspects as well. There are personal ethics and social ethics. I think it's unethical for the US to have tons of wealthy people who in no way want to help provide basic health care for their fellow citizens. To me, it's like this: the Republican point of view focuses on personal responsiblity (if you're poor, you need to work to get out of poverty, and if you really work hard you can do that, and if you don't do that it's because you're lazy). The Democratic Party tends to be more communitarian: they understand that there are circumstances that prevent people from advancing socially, no matter how hard they may work. So I think that the Republicans are focused on personal ethics, and the Democrats are focused on social ethics (at least with poverty). But then, when you come to sexuality, that's a separate case, it seems to me.

If Something could be missing for the democrat (e.g. : Ethical Issues), what would it be?

Yes, democrats totally miss the value of life from conception to grave. I believe that they misunderstand sexuality; I believe people are made in God's image and that He has established marriage between a man and a woman. (That doesn't mean we have to deny gay people certain freedoms -- like living out their lives with a partner -- but I don't think we should call that marriage).


Do you Believe that O'Bama can win the election!
Yes, I believe he can win reelection

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Student in Theologie


Bio: Hey Everyone! I am Matt-Le wallon :D. Like you, I am Belgian and I am proud of it! I am 23 and I am student in Theology at ETF. God zegenen u!

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